April 15, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
1 comment

Microsoft officially launches Visual Studio Code 1.0

Microsoft released version 1.0 of Visual Studio Code Today. Since the announcement of Preview build of VS Code last year  more than 2 million developers have installed it. As per report more than 500,000 developers actively use VS Code each month.

When Microsoft originally unveiled VS Code, the product was positioned as being for JavaScript and TypeScript developers creating Web apps. But since then, developers have built more than 1,000 extensions to the product, providing support for C++, C#, React Native, Python, PHP, F#, Node.js, JSON, Go and more languages and frameworks.

There are already over 1,000 extensions for Visual Studio Code, which “provide support for almost any language or runtime in VS Code.” It’s also fully localized, and ships in nine languages.

For More info you can go ahead to Visual Studio Code Blog.
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Manjunath.G (MJN) is a Blogger, web designer and developer .. He has a passion towards Programming , Web designing and also he loves Technology..


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